Thursday, October 1, 2009

Man's search for flight--A Miscellany

This is a great NOVA special on a group of contemporary flight experts recreating the Wright Brother's twelve years of experimentation leading up to their successful flight at Kitty Hawk:

And, for something completely different, a short clip of a Burning Man "flight":

And, for something completely different still, here is an electronic copy of Progress in Flight Machines, a 1897 book by O. Chanute, an American civil engineer who would later assist the Wright Brothers, detailing man's many attempts at flight. It has lots of illustrations! (Although not all of them are scanned here. I have a physical copy of the book as well, for those who might wish to take a look):

Here's another website detailing various historical flying contraptions:

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    Great website. Beautifully and imaginatively done. I look forward to seeing the play when it opens.

    Richard Shalhoub
    Boston, MA
